Now in its 4th generation of family owned raw coffee importation, Balzac Brothers and Company is excited to be launching a new website. We feel this new site is a better representation of what Balzac Brothers does, what our coffee is all about, and who we are as well!

Not only are there changes for Balzac Brothers, but also for our local coffee roasting/distribution, Good Coffee Company. Along with a new website where you will be able to order online ( The packaging and logo have been redesigned to differentiate our coffee (if taste isn’t enough)!
Coming up in the end of March, Balzac Brothers will be hosting the Rainforest Alliance Cupping Competition. Usually held in New York, we are very excited to have this opportunity to host the event here in Charleston. Rainforest Alliance selected judges will be taste testing the best of the best coffees that have been RFA certified. This produces the best coffees while keeping sustainable farm practices in mind. We are very excited about the upcoming events in March, and getting our coffee lab professionally certified and fit for the cupping!

A big thank you to Cobble Hill for helping set up and design the new site. Also to Sideshow Press in creating our new letter pressed business cards!